AI Solution (Social Interaction – Software Approach)

General Articles

Artificial intelligence specific to automation has an affect on the economy by removing away labor-based work alongside other industries: medical, manufacturing, customer service, etc. This proving problematic for human psyche in the sense of humans requiring a task to feel fulfilled. This all being from merely speculation and lack of data unable for demonstration, there are models specific to interaction with analytical packages and model software: an example such as R/JMP specific to a dashboard being made or ecological perceptions based on a population interacting on code/calculus/etc. 

Artificial intelligence also known as machine learning are organized around three tasks: task-oriented studies, cognitive simulation, and theoretical analysis. Each task bolsters other tasks and will vary depending on the learning method however all lies into one question, “how do humans obtain a piece of skill or knowledge?” Machine learning enable computers to work not from comparison but rather, teaching the computer by …